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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2007
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Others Present:           Pamela Harding, Senior Planner

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

7:30 PM - Village at Westminster Place - Update 90 day Report: The applicant was present to give an update of improvements to Newell Road.  Construction has not yet begun. The following items are behind schedule:  Cut road widening to subgrade, pulverize road, repair drain culvert (town furnishing material), repair re-route, and relocate CB's and leach basin, and R/R hydrants.

A meeting has been scheduled with the DPW on May 9, 2007, to discuss requirements of the culvert repair.  This is behind schedule and should have been addressed prior to this date.

Public Comments:

Karl Makela, 60 Newell Rd: Verizon poles still being relocated.  Will be completed once the wires are moved.  The pulverizing will be within a week.

Board Comments:

O. Lies expressed a disappointment with the schedule, and stated that the applicant should tighten the schedule or the Board should revoke the permit.  Andre Hollossi, Benchmark Engineering feels the applicant has a problem moving the deadline up 30 days.

D. Lindberg: It's in the projects best interest to move it along, then Verizon line crew can do their work.

The Board agreed to put this on the agenda for the next meeting.

Winterberry Hollow Recommendations: The Board has a draft of a letter prepared by W. Ritter addressing previous issues raised related to the Winterberry Hollow project.  The Board unanimously voted to support W. Ritter's letter and forward it to the Zoning Board.

8:00 PM - Wachusett Woods Approval Not Required, Affordable Unit and Architectural Review: The applicant has submitted architectural drawings, an affordable unit distribution plan, and an ANR to reflect minor lot line changes.  P. Harding requested they note which housing styles will be designated as affordable.  It would be preferable to have at least two affordable architectural styles, and have these same architectural units be constructed as market rate to ensure that the affordable units are not differentiable.  She is also concerned about the size of lots 4, 31, and 36, which are significantly smaller than the abutting property.

Deer Run Subdivision Redesign of Retaining Wall:  The applicant has redesigned the layout of the rear lots which previously required a very large retaining wall.  The retaining wall on two of the lots has been eliminated and one has been significantly reduced.  The plans were review by the Board, and determined to be an insignificant change. R. Ricker motioned to approve.  C. Prager seconded. All in favor.

Wagner Meadows - Fencing around the detention ponds: The applicant has requested the requirement of fencing around the perimeter of the detention ponds in Wagner Meadows be removed.  The ponds are very shallow (approximately three feet), and the site should be revisited before making any recommendations.

Burial of Stumps: This is a goal for a future meeting.  Recommendations for regulations required to prohibit this activity will be available.

ZBA Recommendation, Richard and Kristin Perna: The applicants are asking for 4' of relief from the 15' side yard setback requirement in an R-1 zoning district for the construction of an addition.  The Board unanimously voted there was no planning significance.

Meeting Minutes:

March 13, 2007: C. Prager motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  W. Ritter abstained from the vote.  All in favor.

Next Meetings: May 22, 2007

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned at 9:00 PM.

May 8, 2007 minutes approved:   November 13, 2007

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary